3D Shaping, Hydrating & Lightening (5 in 1)
RM 168.00 (WM)
  • Help correct dark skin tone. Brighten and smoothen skin complexion. Uplift and firm the skin and help trim the face contour. Promote and maintain moisture level. Help improve skin elasticity and suppleness.
  • 帮助改善和美白皮肤的色泽。亮丽和柔滑肤色。提升与紧致肌肤,帮助紧实面部轮廓。为皮肤提供滋润和保湿。帮助促进皮肤的弹性和柔软度。USAGE: Open sachet, take out the mask. Stretch both of the opening in the bottom of the mask until it reaches the ear and wrap it around the ear area. Allow the mask to work 30 minutes on the face, then remove the mask.Gentlly massage the face until the essence is absorbed.
  • 用法:清洁及擦干面部,将面膜片底部的两边开口拉至耳朵挂上,待30分钟后,取下面膜。用面膜的余下精华液轻轻按摩脸部。


Call Us

Tel:+6017 - 328 2016 ( Kendric )

Tel:+6017 - 896 6822 ( Dr Ho )

Tel: +6012 - 560 1883 ( Lily )


A-GR-1, Block A,
Menara Uncang Emas (UE3)
85, Jalan Loke Yew
55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

BGR-2, Block B,
Menara Uncange Emas
85, Jalan Loke Yew
55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

